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七年级的例文命题是“An Advertisement For a New Food Product” (介绍一个新食品的广告)


Level 1的七年级学生写的作文。



Juicy, smooth chunks of delicious vegetables waiting in a jar of baby pizzaria. We invented this new kind of baby food to give babies all the nutrients they need, in a jar of our new pizza flavoured  baby food.

For all you mom’s out there this food will be good for your babies so they can get all the vitamins they need, to help them grow and develop into a strong healthy kid.

The discription of this product is it’s reddish orange, comes in a jar and it tastes like pizza with chunks of meat and vegetables in it.

You mom’s out there should buy this product because it gives your babies the vitamins and nutrients they need, they also get all their vegetables so please buy this product it will make your baby healthy and strong.


Classroom Lecture

Level 4的七年级学生写的作文。


     It’s dinner time and you want to make something easy and yet nutritious. You decide on a delectable dish made of chicken. Everyone is called up for dinner and things are going fine until Robbie says, “What is for dinner?”

     “Oh, no,” he cries, “Not chicken again. I hate that stuff! I want hot dogs.”

     “But hot dogs aren’t good for you,” you protest while trying to calm him down. “You can have them for lunch tomorrow.”

     “But I want them now!” Robbie stammers as he runs crying to his room.

     This entire scene could have been prevented if you had Wienerman’s Hero Dogs. They’re as healthy as an entire meal and as scrumptious as a normal hot dog. These tantilizing wieners are different because they are 100% real meat. Unlike ordinary frankfurters these hot dogs have no fillers, by-products, or MSG. These wieners give your children the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that they need and give you, the parent, the reassurance that you are feeding your children properly! Wienerman Hero Dogs come in five savoury flavours; Burly Beef, Tough Turkey, Courageous Chicken, Flawless Fish, and Tiku Tofu.

     So if your child is like Robbie then be sure to buy new Wienerman Hero Dogs at your local grocery store.



八年级的例文命题是“A Letter to the Editor” (给编辑写一封建议书)


Level 1的八年级学生写的作文。

Would you?

Dear Editor,


Chatting after Class

     What do you think about school uniforms in your school? Would you wear them? Or would you switch schools?     

     I think that if students wear these uniforms it will give the school more respect. Also I think that if our students in our society won’t care about their indivduality.     

     If students wear these uniforms it will give respect to them. I also think that the students self-estem will be better because they won’t have to worry being in fashion.

     If students in our society wear these uniforms there will be a decrease of the sales in clothes. This will make students not make fun of other students.

     If all students wear the same clothes won’t make fun of other students because they will be wearing the same cothes. This will make the students feel better.

     I think that if we put a stop to the uniforms then the teasing will still go onto the students. We need to take action know and prevent the teasing.

     We have to be responsisble for our actions. If we don’t stop the name calling, not wearing the same clothes, and inbcreasing the sale prices of clothes this will all happen.

教师评语:没有写出明确的观点,没有说服性的论据、细节和组织性。用词简单,过多重复“If students”。没有摘要,并且有些没有写完整。语法和拼写出现重大错误。


Level 4的八年级学生写的作文。


“Nuclear Weapons and Testing will Plunge Us Into a Global Fallout”

Dear Editor,

We now have a new member of the nuclear club, India. This should come as no surprise.

     In 1995 India was denied the right to test nuclear weapons, and enter the nuclear race. Today, three years later, India has started to test anyway, which seems to me to be much more frightening.

     If India has the technology, why need to prove it to the western world? They are basically telling the western countries that third-world countries are now capable of testing and building weapons of mass destruction. This seems to me to look like an unnecessary flex of political muscle and strikes me as a very dangerous and childish act.

     Where will it end? Other political unstable countries will follow India’s example, and soon every middle-eastern country will be building and testing nuclear weapons.

     If we do not stop India and similar countries, it may be too late, and we will all suffer the consequences. We have seen the horror of this weapon in the past; now we are seeing it again. The only answer is the abolition of all our weapons of mass destruction.

     What is the point of possessing these weapons? In my opinion a world where everyone has weapons of mass destruction will not survive for long.

教师评语:学生对社会问题展示了理解和观点。阐述的观点很有说服力,摆出的事实也很明确。段落首尾相连、摘要和更进一步的说明都很清楚。基本上没有语法错误除了“political unstable”。学生清楚地叙述了一个复杂的社会问题。几个事实更加证明了这个学生的观点。


7、8年级的学生思想更加成熟和多样化。我们再看七年级学生的level 1和level 4的作文的不同之处。可以看到,level 1学生写的文章明显缺乏创造性思维以及词汇量。所以写出的作文显得单调枯燥,并且重复的在说明同一内容。反观level 4的作文,首先妈妈和孩子的情景小对话非常有趣,好像就是发生在我们身边的事情。这已经瞬间抓住了读者的目光,吸引读者继续读下去。整篇文章虽然不长,但是几句话的说明已经把食品解释的很清楚,并且把消费者会提出的疑问也做了很好的解答。




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