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根据大纲要求,教师可以从学生的叙述、观点清晰与否、词汇量、段落组织、语法、拼写、标点以及整体结构等方面把作文分成level 1~level 4四个等级。例如,一年级的学生在毕业时要能够写一段关于喜好的简短的小作文,要求文章思路清晰,语法、拼写及标点正确。二年级则要求学生写一篇记叙文,文章要有一定的逻辑性、通顺且段落明确。下面我们先来看几个范文。


我们再来看看一年级学生中写的比较好的一篇作文,等级是Level 4


My favourite toy is a shiny red car and it is not a remote control car. My brother broke the back of the red car but it is Still My fovourite Toy. I Play with itdown stairsand when I Push The car it runs fast. And I like it because itis shiny.



二年级学生写的作文,等级是Level 1


under the Bluewter bridge

My Mom and Dad and I Went unde the blue wter brdige to get Some fris. And to get Some hot dog’S. Then we went to my nanaS houses. Then we went to my houseS. Then we went to my grahma houSeS.


二年级学生写的作文,等级是Level 4


My Adventure of Moving!


(its freaky!)

One day my dad took me & Reid to our grandma’s & grandpa’s house. (While my mom & dad moved the stuff from one house to another.) Our uncles helped my mom & dad. (I bet the boxes were heavey.) My mom came & picked us up the next day. When we got home our dog

Rosie was waiting on our porch. I said “hi Rosie do you like our new house”? Rosie barked, (that means  yes.) When I went to bed I felt scared I told my mom she said “that feeling will go away soon.” In the morning I felt much better. I said “I think I’m getting used to this.”

The end



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根据大纲要求,三年级学生的作文需要有自己的观点并加以论述,文章的组织性要更强,以及要会用丛句。另外,还要会使用单词的不规则复数变化,会利用各个网站(dictionaries, word lists, computers等)来检查拼写错误。



Level 1的三年级学生写的作文。


Dear, Ms. COSSi

I red your story Gus the Bus and it was great. I really liked when Gus raced the fire truck. Have you writen any other Book Well I’ll rite again





Level 4 的三年级学生写的作文。


Dear Mrs M. Thornton Jones    

     I wrote to you because you are my favourite author. I enjoy your stories very much like the series of the adventure of the BAILEY SCHOOL KIDS! I like the story named Triplet Trouble and the pizza party. My favourite part is when Mr. Parker tells the class they have to earn light balls to have a pizza party.

     I’m starting a story called CHILDREN DON’T TEACH PARENTS. I need an idea for the end of my story. It’s about 3 girls who teach their parents and their parents want their kids to go to school to learn. Can you write back with an idea for the end please?

     My parents like my writing stories. Did your parents agree when you told them you wanted to be an author? My editor doesn’t change my story does yours? I wanted to be an author because when I get older and and have kids I’ll tell them stories. Why did you become a author? Write back soon.




四年级的例文命题是写一篇幽默故事“THE DAY GRAVITY FAILED”(当地球没有引力的一天)。


Level 1的四年级学生写的作文。

     I went for a walk walk in my new shoe and I saw some birds float around the forest.

     I went back home I saw the dogs float around the houes and the cats floated around the island.

     My mom and I went for a walk and we saw a bear floated around and a rabbit floated around and then I went home.

教师评语:想法很简单,细节描述不够。内容不明确、段落不完整、单一句式并且没有关联性。整篇文章没有体现出幽默性。虽然字体工整,但是欠缺细节和目的性,所以还是level 1。

Level 4的四年级学生写的作文。


We need Gravity

     One morning, I got up to get something to eat like some cereal or toaster strudels. While I was going to eat I realized I wasn’t walking, so I swam to see if there was still food. There was food all right, all over the ceiling. Then I realized gravity had failed.

     I went to get dressed. I chased after my underwear and my socks. They were in the lead but I caught up thanks to swimming lessons. I went outside boy was that unsmart. I got stuck on a hydro pole. Luckly I escaped and remembered “ I was hungry”. I went to a snack bar and got a double beef patti Bif Mac. I was litterally in heaven because when I was eating I got pulled up to the angels. They told me to move to the moon. I was like “what”?

     Somebody told my mom and dad that the planets were going clock wise instead of counter clockwise, he also exclaimed that the moon had all the gravity. I didn’t believe him but if he was telling the truth then I could eat again. On Tuesday everybody on earth was moving to the moon. By Wednesday everybody was settled inand ready start again and invent new food for me because I own Subway now. Cool huh!


从上述作文中可以看出,同年级学生之间的差距还是很大的。想写出一篇等级较高的作文离不开词汇量和思考能力。家长不妨和孩子一起阅读并一起讨论,提高孩子词汇量的同时也帮助孩子提高思考能力。如果不经过平时系统的训练与培养,怎么能要求孩子一下子就能写出level 4的文章出来呢?


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